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Casey Heynes Bodyslams Bully at School

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Casey Heynes, a 15 year old had enough. He was constantly getting bullied at school and he finally snapped and let his bully have it. Casey picked up his tormentor and body slammed him to the ground. All of this was caught on film and the video has now gone viral.

Of course everyone who has ever been bullied sides with Casey for standing up for himself. But so many students around world do not stand up to bullies and constantly get harassed as school. School bullying in America is a growing issue and it’s time that we all help put a stop to it.

Hire a school bullying speaker to talk to your students about how to change the culture of the school.

About Bullying Speaker

Fabian Ramirez is one of the top anti-bullying speakers in the nation. His programs have been enjoyed by thousands of students by way of school assemblies.