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Red Ribbon Week | Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act

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Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
red ribbon week speaker

Red Ribbon Week is a critical part of the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act. Due to the act, communities have tried their best to tackle drug prevention from different angles. Sadly, too many costly, inefficient efforts utilized by most schools fail to make a big enough impact because they aren’t engaging enough to the students.

How can you get your students to really feel inspired and motivated to take the pledge to be drug free unless you can get them to understand it on an emotional level? The answer is Fabian Ramirez.

Fabian’s ability to inspire youth to reach higher and lead better lives is astounding. He isn’t just motivation only, he also provides your students with the realities of the consequences that will most likely face them if they choose to allow drugs into their lives. Keep in mind that Red Ribbon Week usually takes place at the end of October so be sure to book Fabian well in advance.

Fabian also has experience speaking at schools during Cultural Awareness Week, Health Day and Hispanic Heritage Month. Some of his specialties are speaking about bullying, dropout prevention and youth leadership.

Funding School Programs

Are you worried about the costs of having a speaker come and speak to your students? You don’t need to be any longer because depending on your theme, federal grant money might be available to cover any expenses.

For example, Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (SDFSCA) might approve a funding request for a speaker who addresses alcohol and drug prevention, sexual abstinence, tobacco use, teen pregnancy, gangs, crime and violence prevention. All of these are topics Fabian covers with incredible effects on the students.

To start the process of getting the grant money, check with your school district or federal government office to find out who is dispensing these funds in your state. It will be grant money well spent as your student body responds and takes on a new fresh perspective. You may also ask your school if they have student activity funds available to host an assembly. All you need to do now is simply request an application form from them and get the ball rolling.

The next time you need a guest speaker for an assembly or a youth event where you want to truly make a deep impact that will effect the lives of your students, look no further than Fabian Ramirez.

Are you considering having Fabian Ramirez to come and speak to your school, but are not sure about when or on what topic? Make sure to come up with some creative ways to utilize his expertise and motivation to help make the most of your school assembly.

Contact Fabian today about the possibility of him coming to your school or youth conference.

About Bullying Speaker

Fabian Ramirez is one of the top anti-bullying speakers in the nation. His programs have been enjoyed by thousands of students by way of school assemblies.